Friday, May 29, 2015


Monday morning around 7 am, my husband and I left for a little get away to celebrate our second anniversary! My husband calls it a honey moon, so it was our third honey moon!

 We went up to the Monterey area. We stayed at a bed and breakfast in a little town called Seaside. We were so close to the ocean! 
I love collecting sand from beaches I visit. They're all different and unique. The beach we went to in Seaside was rocky, it was sort of rough to step on but it didn't hurt at all. While digging in the sand and filling up a glass jar we had, we came across some seaglass. You can imagine my happiness! 

We also went to Carmel. It was gorgeous. If you've never gone, you NEED to! The sand at this beach was white, it was incredibly soft and light to step on. We collected some and it was pure sand, no shells, no rocks, no seaglass. I love to compare what they look like together.  We also drove around the town to see what it was like, it's lovely! 

We went down the historic Cannery Row (we also got a magnet for our fridge) 

we spent a few hours at the Monterey Aquarium. We could have spent ALL day there. Except I got hungry and started to get grumpy and that's never fun, we did get to see all that they had to offer and I think I took close to five hundred pictures while we were there (insert wide eyed emoji here) 

We went down Fisher man's Wharf, it was so much fun! This was my husbands first time going to Monterey, I went a few times in the past with my family. My grandfather lived in Carmel before he passed away, as children we would come visit. I appreciate the beauty and history of it so much more as an adult.

It was so relaxing to have a few days off! I hope you're all doing well! If you ever get the chance to visit the Monterey area, DO IT! One important thing you need to know, is that it is cool in this area. We had to buy a sweater because we thought it was going to be warm. (We were seriously shocked) I think next time we visit we'll do it closer to July or August! Have a magnificent Fri-yay!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Finding Rest

Hello again!

Lately I have been thinking about the word rest. 
I don't know about you but I tend to get worn out. Living as Christians, we pour ourselves out to people, we invest time and energy in to precious souls, which is all totally and completely worth it; however we can become tired and drained. Living for Christ doesn't make us perfect people, we still need to be encouraged, we still need to be refreshed and we still need rest. In order to help others we must first be helped. God can help!

Going to church and getting fed by the Word of God regularly is heathy for us. Fellowshipping with believers who can encourage us and uplift us by their presence alone is something we all need. Digging into the word, REALLY getting into it and a regular prayer life can be as refreshing as a cool breeze on a hot day. God wants to refresh us. The truth is we are so close to rest. Jesus is our rest.

I'm sure you have heard this scripture time and time again but I am going to share it with you. This time when I read it, it was different. It spoke to me, it encouraged me. Let it encourage you, apply this to yourself.

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

I always applied this scripture to the sinner in need of salvation. For those who are lost and weighed down by sin. This is for them, but it is also very much for the believer; we know we're not perfect, we still get weighed down by things in this life. He is still telling us to come to Him. He'll take our burdens, He'll take our cares.

Acts 3:19
"Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."

We are refreshed in His presence, get before Him and give Him your cares; true rest only comes through Jesus! 

If you have a minute listen to This song it's by Aaron Shust, I hope you love it as much as I do!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The 24 hour challenge...I challenge YOU

Hello there and happy Wednesday! 
I have been thinking for some time now about doing a personal challenge. A challenge that will be exactly that for me: a challenge! It won't be easy, and that's the truth. Needless to say I'm ready for it and I'm excited!!! 

The challenge: Don't complain for 24 hours. 

Sounds easy right? Inside I say "I got this, no biggie" but how often, in reality do I complain? I'm sure I complain more than I realize. The smallest thing can happen outside of my plan for the day and it throws off my mood in seconds. 

Honestly I hate complaining, it's no fun for anyone. No one enjoys hearing I'm gonna try my very best to succeed! I want to challenge you as well, are you in? I hope you are! I'm curious to see how the next 24 hours will be. I know for a fact I'll have to keep my mouth shut a few times and smile instead of complain or grumble. 

I know we understand what these words mean, but for some reason I enjoy looking up the definition and really taking a closer look.

A call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.

- Verb (used without object)
To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment or grief; find fault: He complained constantly about the noise of the corridor.

(Just reading the definition for the word complaining irks me, how much more annoying is it to hear someone constantly complaining?) 

I was reading in my Bible this morning and I came across this scripture in Philippians,
"Do all things without complaining and disputing." Philippians 2:14

-Verb (used without object) 
1. To engage in argument or debate
2. To argue vehemently; wrangle or quarrel.

Even the Word of God teaches us that we shouldn't complain! 

I hope this challenge is something that you accept and learn from. I'm nervous, excited and all sorts of crazy about this!
Here gooooes! 24 hours starts NOW! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday! 

Monday, May 18, 2015

TEN things about me

Why hello there! I figured now was a good time to share about myself. I'll try not to make this too long, but short and sweet. I catch my husband glancing over while I'm texting a friend and he says "Writing another novel?" This happens. All. The. Time. 
So here goes...

10. I love to write, and doodle (I have shelves of journals full of writing) 

9. My initials are MNM. I always thought it would be pretty wonderful if I married someone with a last name that started with an M. When little things like that happen, it makes my heart happy! 

8. I am a born again, spirit filled, believer and follower of Jesus. Jesus isn't a hobby I have. He IS my life. He is my everything. When I gave my life up to follow Him, I didn't lose anything; in fact it was all gain! I am FREE in Christ!

7. This month my husband and I celebrate two years of marriage! Time goes by so incredibly fast, I can't wait for the rest of our lives together! Marriage is a beautiful thing! Marriage was created by God, it was His idea. How awesome is that? :) 

6. I am one of five siblings. Exactly in the middle. I learned so much growing up in a big family, it helped me to be less selfish (no no, I'm still not perfect. I can be bratty(: )

5. I am not a fan of working out...but I do love being out doors. I love hiking. I love long walks. Outside is gorgeous. We all need a little more of that in our lives!

4. My older sister Amy is one of my biggest role models. I look up to her more than she will ever know. She is a dedicated believer in Jesus. A wonderful wife for almost eight years. A mother of three kiddos that she loves with all of her heart. An incredible pastors wife. She has a servants heart and God has blessed me enough to allow her to be my sister. 

3. My husband and I are pastoring in the sunny state of California! Daily I am in awe of Gods goodness. That He would use imperfect and flawed people to bring about His perfect will! Wow. He is GOOD! 

2. I love to craft, paint, create, redo, reuse, and am completely in love with DIY's 

1. I sing every single day. When I had more time on my hands I used to write songs. I'm teaching myself how to play the piano, my husband plays guitar and we recently purchased a drum box which is seriously a blast! 

I tried to make this short, but clearly I'm not very good at that! Haha. 

I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to comment or ask any questions. Have a magnificent day! 
Xo- Mel

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Today something really exciting happened! After waiting for what seemed like a month (it was only two weeks in reality) my first Chatbooks book arrived in the mail!!! 

Sometimes it really is the little things in life. Like this 60 page book full of pictures of people and things I love. If that alone isn't enough, it was FREE. You heard me. I didn't pay one single penny. Not even shipping. Just like that, my day was made! I love you Chatbooks 😘

Normally the books are $6 each. Which is *ahem* pretty stinking cheap. I was able to get this one free, because it was my first Chatbooks order and I entered a promo code that allowed me to get it at no charge at all. This will not be my last order, that's a definite.

Here's a few pictures so you can see how they turned out. It's so nice to have my Instagram photos printed out. They even printed the captions with the photos.

This is the cover photo which they allow you to select. Aww, it's my husband and I, back when we were dating. ❤️

I tried to get the side view. This is my first volume, it shows the dates....which is pretty rad if you ask me! Also you get to pick a name for it, doubly rad. I chose "Life As We Know It" 

(Because outside photos are always better than inside photos.)

I hope you enjoyed this and that I may've possibly convinced you, that you really do want one of these awesome little photo books. I love mine! Have a beautiful day! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cry Out

Luke 18:35-43
Then it happened, as He (Jesus) was coming near Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the road begging. And hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out saying, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Then those who went before warned him that he should be quiet; but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be brought to Him. And when he had come near, He asked him, saying, "What do you want Me to do for you?" He said, "Lord, that I may receive my sight." Then Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well." And immediately he received his sight, and followed Him, glorifying God. And all the people, when the saw it, gave praise to God.

I love this story because it's so powerful. Jesus holds the power to heal us of our sicknesses, He commands things to happen and they do. He speaks words with His mouth and miracles happen. What I love about this story is that this blind man believed. He had heard stories about Jesus. He knew who He was. And as soon as he heard that Jesus was near by, he made a scene. He cried out for help. He got Jesus' attention. He called upon the name of the Lord. And Jesus healed him. How beautiful. How gracious. How loving is our Lord.

Often times as humans, even on a daily basis we can be in a pit. We can be in need. We can get hurt and tired. Jesus is so close, we could cry out and He would be there. He would run to us. I think we forget that He truly adores us and cares for us more than we can comprehend. But sometimes we keep quiet. We try and carry our burdens. We try and heal our hurts. You see Jesus wants to help us. He's just waiting for us to ask Him. You see it is Christ's very character to help His children, His name is help.

If I can leave you with anything let it be this, Jesus is willing to carry our burdens, He is willing to heal our bodies, He is willing to meet our needs and to satisfy our longing souls. But we first must cry out for help. Cry out to Jesus. He is faithful.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Gratitude is something we all understand, we know what it means to be grateful and I'm sure you have things you are grateful for. Sometimes we think about it more than others, around holidays, birthdays or anniversaries we are truly grateful for the people in our lives and these precious souls God has allowed us to share this life with. But I want to focus in on it a little more. I want to pick at it. In life it is healthy to be grateful, to make it a habit more than just a good thought we think and then never practice. It is something that has to be put into practice. I have learned the more I appreciate what I have the happier I am and the less I need. I can be extremely needy, at times I want more. But think on this, why would God give more if I don't appreciate what He has already given me? Of course He is a good God and wants to bless and give us the world and He already blesses us far more than we could ever deserve. Simply because He is perfect and gracious and it is His character. My point is this, think of all that God has done for you. Think of all that He has saved you from and all that He has given you. I don't know about you but once I realize and remember all the wonderful things my awesome God has done for me, it makes me want to worship Him, because He is so so good! He forgives us of our sins and He washes us in His precious perfect blood and gives us new life, abundant life! He promises heaven to all that call upon His name in repentance and He never leaves us or forsakes us. Our prayers come before Him like a sweet aroma. And if that's not enough, He sees us as the apple of His eye and He calls us son and daughter, He adopted us into HIS family..Wow! I am grateful. Being grateful is something that has to be intentional. We have to apply it to our daily lives. I am a firm believer that gratitude turns what you have into enough. Let that be true for all of us. Let us praise our God for what He has given and appreciate His priceless salvation! I hope this was a good reminder for you today! Xo Mel