Monday, May 18, 2015

TEN things about me

Why hello there! I figured now was a good time to share about myself. I'll try not to make this too long, but short and sweet. I catch my husband glancing over while I'm texting a friend and he says "Writing another novel?" This happens. All. The. Time. 
So here goes...

10. I love to write, and doodle (I have shelves of journals full of writing) 

9. My initials are MNM. I always thought it would be pretty wonderful if I married someone with a last name that started with an M. When little things like that happen, it makes my heart happy! 

8. I am a born again, spirit filled, believer and follower of Jesus. Jesus isn't a hobby I have. He IS my life. He is my everything. When I gave my life up to follow Him, I didn't lose anything; in fact it was all gain! I am FREE in Christ!

7. This month my husband and I celebrate two years of marriage! Time goes by so incredibly fast, I can't wait for the rest of our lives together! Marriage is a beautiful thing! Marriage was created by God, it was His idea. How awesome is that? :) 

6. I am one of five siblings. Exactly in the middle. I learned so much growing up in a big family, it helped me to be less selfish (no no, I'm still not perfect. I can be bratty(: )

5. I am not a fan of working out...but I do love being out doors. I love hiking. I love long walks. Outside is gorgeous. We all need a little more of that in our lives!

4. My older sister Amy is one of my biggest role models. I look up to her more than she will ever know. She is a dedicated believer in Jesus. A wonderful wife for almost eight years. A mother of three kiddos that she loves with all of her heart. An incredible pastors wife. She has a servants heart and God has blessed me enough to allow her to be my sister. 

3. My husband and I are pastoring in the sunny state of California! Daily I am in awe of Gods goodness. That He would use imperfect and flawed people to bring about His perfect will! Wow. He is GOOD! 

2. I love to craft, paint, create, redo, reuse, and am completely in love with DIY's 

1. I sing every single day. When I had more time on my hands I used to write songs. I'm teaching myself how to play the piano, my husband plays guitar and we recently purchased a drum box which is seriously a blast! 

I tried to make this short, but clearly I'm not very good at that! Haha. 

I hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to comment or ask any questions. Have a magnificent day! 
Xo- Mel

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