Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Gratitude is something we all understand, we know what it means to be grateful and I'm sure you have things you are grateful for. Sometimes we think about it more than others, around holidays, birthdays or anniversaries we are truly grateful for the people in our lives and these precious souls God has allowed us to share this life with. But I want to focus in on it a little more. I want to pick at it. In life it is healthy to be grateful, to make it a habit more than just a good thought we think and then never practice. It is something that has to be put into practice. I have learned the more I appreciate what I have the happier I am and the less I need. I can be extremely needy, at times I want more. But think on this, why would God give more if I don't appreciate what He has already given me? Of course He is a good God and wants to bless and give us the world and He already blesses us far more than we could ever deserve. Simply because He is perfect and gracious and it is His character. My point is this, think of all that God has done for you. Think of all that He has saved you from and all that He has given you. I don't know about you but once I realize and remember all the wonderful things my awesome God has done for me, it makes me want to worship Him, because He is so so good! He forgives us of our sins and He washes us in His precious perfect blood and gives us new life, abundant life! He promises heaven to all that call upon His name in repentance and He never leaves us or forsakes us. Our prayers come before Him like a sweet aroma. And if that's not enough, He sees us as the apple of His eye and He calls us son and daughter, He adopted us into HIS family..Wow! I am grateful. Being grateful is something that has to be intentional. We have to apply it to our daily lives. I am a firm believer that gratitude turns what you have into enough. Let that be true for all of us. Let us praise our God for what He has given and appreciate His priceless salvation! I hope this was a good reminder for you today! Xo Mel

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