The world we live in has such high expectations for women, as far as what the eye can see that is. We are expected to look a certain way, to wear these clothes, to eat this food to be this weight. It's really disgusting to me. I have caught myself not feeling good enough because of this, and I don't think that I am the only one. Many women that I have talked to have had this issue of feeling inadequate. This world is so consumed with the material and the physical, but what about the spiritual and what about our hearts?
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Don't get me wrong there is a difference between not caring at all about your body, what you put into it and how you treat it; and on the other hand being consumed by it. I try to eat healthy and take care of my hair, skin etc. I also don't like feeling like a total frump, I'm not against make up and dressing up. I am for it! But if we are getting our value from our outward appearance then we won't be happy with life and we are seriously missing the point. Our value must come from Christ!
Lets not forget that we were made in the very image of God Himself...Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..." Verse 27 says, So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
As women we can be incredibly insecure, it's in our nature, let your security come from Christ. He is your creator, He knows everything about you, He looks on you with love, and He is well pleased with His creation. You are the apple of His eye. He loves you more than you can imagine and He made you unique and perfect in His eyes. Gods opinion of us should be the most important one. So don't be bothered by fleshly things and ideas, remember your creators thoughts toward you are good.
Psalm 139:13+14
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mothers womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works.
Human life is an incredible thing, we weren't made to feel inadequate or to feel lack. He made us to have relationship with Him and to worship Him! Our lives should be filled with Him and focused on Him.
More than our outward appearance we should be focused on the inside; the condition of our hearts, our character, and our spirits.
Proverbs 10:20
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is worth little.
That means the heart and tongue are two very important things to God. Are the words we speak kind, gentle and loving? Are our hearts full of love and compassion for others? Are they obedient to God? When He pokes at our hearts, do we let it change us?
The world wants us to be consumed with outward beauty and carnal things. God is calling us to examine our hearts. Does our worth come from the opinion of others or what God says about us? Do we spend more time worrying about what we're going to wear than asking God to make us more like Him? We need to remember that our worth comes from Jesus, after all He is the only one that loves us enough to die for us. It wasn't because of our incredible beauty or perfect weight either; it's because of something far greater than that. He loves our soul. Our soul is the only thing that is eternal. Our beauty will fade as we grow older, our hair will gray and thin. But we can know that Gods love for us is not dependent upon our looks. He loves us the same no matter how we look.
He wants our focus to be on more important things. Most importantly are our hearts right with Him? Are we living for Him daily? Is He our focus? Do we only care about ourselves and not for others?
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that are desired cannot be compared to it. Proverbs 8:11
Let us be women who have wisdom from God. Let us be filled with His Spirit and be full of love and compassion for others. Let us speak life and hope into broken situations and broken lives.
Proverbs 24:3-4
Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation.
I love this scripture so much because it sheds some light on what God thinks is beautiful. He doesn't want us to be self-centered and consumed by the flesh. What He wants is for us to be a light for Him. He thinks it is beautiful when we tell others about Him. How refreshing is that? That is what we were made to do, and He loves it!
This is a very much hidden truth in our society today- if every woman when her value to God, what a different world we would live in. We need to value what God values- spiritual exercise produces life & bodily exercise profits little. Good to remember & to keep a balance when thinking about our appearance. We are precious in His eyes & need to have a godly love for our bodies because He fashioned us! Even woman who outwardly look like super models are many many times unhappy with their appearance. This shows us no matter how me look we will be unfulfilled if based off our appearance. But if our value comes from God than no matter how we look, our value is still the same. Priceless!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is so true and it saddens me. God is the very definition of beauty everything that he created and touches is beauty itself we look at Psalms 50:2 it talks about how the Israelites were beautiful not because of their clothes or their weight but because God shine through them. The very essence of a godly woman she will be beautiful in the inside and it will shine forth on the outside you can't get that from a bottle you can't get that from surgeries... your true beauty comes from God within. our God makes beautiful things. Awesome post Melissa♡
ReplyDeleteIt is so true and it saddens me. God is the very definition of beauty everything that he created and touches is beauty itself we look at Psalms 50:2 it talks about how the Israelites were beautiful not because of their clothes or their weight but because God shine through them. The very essence of a godly woman she will be beautiful in the inside and it will shine forth on the outside you can't get that from a bottle you can't get that from surgeries... your true beauty comes from God within. our God makes beautiful things. Awesome post Melissa♡
ReplyDeleteIt is so true and it saddens me. God is the very definition of beauty everything that he created and touches is beauty itself we look at Psalms 50:2 it talks about how the Israelites were beautiful not because of their clothes or their weight but because God shine through them. The very essence of a godly woman she will be beautiful in the inside and it will shine forth on the outside you can't get that from a bottle you can't get that from surgeries... your true beauty comes from God within. our God makes beautiful things. Awesome post Melissa♡